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Your first serve is your aggressive serve. You use it to go on offense and, with a bit of skill and luck, you ace your opponent. But the first serve doesn’t always go in.

Your second serve is your trusted serve. Use it to stay in the game after the first serve fails.

Life is a little like first serve/second serve. Think of your first serve as what you take credit for. For example, you ace the interview and land your perfect job. Or, your investment strategy wins big in a tumultuous marketplace. It’s all about you.

But you don’t always ace the interview and may be fired. And the fickle investment market may cause you deep losses. Where do you turn when you fail?

Christ is, has been, and always will be your trusted second serve. Not that Christ should be second in anything, but He is the faithful backup. With Christ in your game, you will never double fault and there will always be the next point, the next game, and the next match. Trust in Christ and you will never be out of the game.

Psalm 59:9-10
You are my strength, I watch for you;
    you, God, are my fortress,
    my God on whom I can rely.

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