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(Image of gold Roman coins)

We find a huge range of talent on the tennis courts, as in any sport. This was vividly brought to mind watching college-level players compete. No way would I ever come close to what I witnessed. Even more, one of the players was a female standing about 5’3”. She was clearly gifted with extraordinary natural ability, with so much talent that she was awarded a full scholarship to the Nadal Academy. What I bring to the game is profoundly less, and I simply have to live with it.

Living with less is a hard lesson we all have to learn in life. We may be surrounded by abundance in many forms, but there will always be something we lack.

Not so with God’s gifts. I may be a 3.5-level player in tennis, but I’m Djokovic, Federer, and Nadal rolled into one when it comes to being blessed. How can this be?

Look to Matthew 25, the Parable of the Talents, where we read:

“(The kingdom of heaven) is like a man going on a trip, who called his servants and turned his money over to them.To one man he gave five talents (a measure of money), to another two, and to another one, based on their ability. Then he went on his trip.” (vv 14-15)

Like all parables there are many insights, but let us focus on just one-the sum of money given to each servant to invest for the man (master). The exact amount in today’s dollars is difficult to calculate for many reasons, but one talent could be valued at about $400,000 to $1,400,000. (The talent may be of gold or silver and was a measure of weight.) The servant who received only one talent, therefore, was hardly slighted and not to be pitied; he received a huge amount. 

What does this have to do with my meager tennis (non-golden) talent?

It means that, regardless of the lowly natural skill level I bring to the game of life, in God’s game plan for me I have an abundance. I have more than enough to perform my mission-to bring glory to Him-with enough left over to bring His kingdom to others. You, too, have such an abundance.

Thanks be to God, for He has blessed us abundantly.

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