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Use God’s Spiritual Dashboard To Keep Your Life Running Smoothly

dark tunnel with light

It’s a ritual performed by everyone who drives a car: you start the car, watch the icons on the dashboard blink on, and hope that no icons remain and flash red. Or, you are driving and the low tire pressure icon appears, or the low oil warning message pops up, or any number of other unwanted signals intrude on your peace of mind. In an instant, the dashboard, originally a message board to ensure a safe, comfortable, and problem-free drive, has become the harbinger of “danger ahead.”

God has planted in each of us a spiritual dashboard to awaken us to “danger ahead” signals. We may be low on spiritual fuel (faith), we may be trying to earn God’s merit (we focus too much on service and too little on worship), or our prayer life has declined (the “your next service is overdue” message appears).

God’s dashboard messages abound. They are sheer grace. How do we recognize them?

The Rev. Matt Lindeman, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Southport, CT, is the inspiration behind the concept of a spiritual dashboard. He provides guidance by suggesting we look to spiritual mechanics, like Jeremiah, who spoke these words:

“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
They shall be like a tree planted by water,
sending out its roots by the stream.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8

In this passage, the tree symbolizes a believer’s faith and connection to God. The tree’s roots represent prayer, meditation, and trust. The tree’s leaves represent a life that is vibrant and flourishing. The tree’s fruitfulness represents the outcomes of a life lived in alignment with God’s will.

Jeremiah is telling us to trust the Lord to instruct us how to remain connected to Him and to heed His warning signals when that connection is breaking.

There will be many spiritual warning signals in life. They are God’s gift to us to enable a life that runs smoothly. Look for them. Welcome them. Heed them.

Image credit: Stefan Bernsmann

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