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I have been using Lee at Tennis Frenzy in Stuart, FL to string my rackets since I first took up the game 6 years ago. He’s a true professional, has great advice for both stringing and racket selection, and is a pleasure to chat with.

I have also been fortunate to have a dear friend from my time in Lexington, KY who is a wealth of information about every aspect of the racket: size, weight, balance, construction, strings, and tension. 

So, when I go on court, I am armed the best equipment to manage my game. Notwithstanding, it is a gruesome reality that my play does not reach the same excellence as my racket!

Who strings the racket of your life—the tools we use to live, cope, overcome, and find joy?

I will take some literary license here to claim that God strings my racket with truth, faith, righteousness, peace, salvation, and His Word (Ephesians 6:10-18). And, like my tennis racket, my life’s game is unequal to the tools that I use. However, the strings will never fail and my game can only improve when I use The Master Stringer.

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