There is power in the focus that a single word provides. This power is channeled for our ultimate good when that word brings us closer—awakens us—to the love of God.
The Power of One Word
In his article on Faith Gateway, Mike Ashcraft exposes the absurdity of daily life that is littered with an overwhelming amount of advice for living. He concludes, much like the preacher in Ecclesiastes, that it is meaningless, or vanity, without a proper focus on God.
(Read the article, “What Is My One Word?”)
He writes that all this advice, rendered in the form of possible New Year resolutions (including lists of “to dos” in the Bible), gets in the way of a more meaningful, authentic life flowing from a relationship with Christ.
His solution was to look “through the lens of a single chosen word” for “a new approach to personal change and spiritual formation — one that is doable, memorable, effective, and sticky.”
He chose the word “flow” after recalling Jesus’ words, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:38) “The idea of FLOW drew me forward. It didn’t have the trappings of regret or the pressure of sweeping promises to change like my resolutions did. It awakened something in me. Not a compulsive desire to change born out of being sick of the way I was, but a desire to live an authentic life that flowed from my relationship with Christ.” And so began his pursuit of a life, built around one word, that would help him focus on God’s plan for his life. (Mike’s story and how his one-word idea has shaped his life and the life of many may be found in his book, “My One Word: Change Your Life With Just One Word.”)
My One Word is Awaken
I am drawn to the one-word concept and how it can lead to meaningful, daily living. This is primarily because it sprang from the mind of someone who desired to live a life based on the love of Christ and because it addresses my desire to be drawn closer to a life God desires for me, not one I desire for myself. It is not one of many New Year resolutions; it is THE one.
“Awaken” jumped into my mind while reciting my morning prayers which included, “And for those who do not know you, awaken in them a desire for you.” In that same instant, I realized that I did not know God fully, perhaps even remotely, and so I was praying for myself as well as intercessing for others.
It is a beautiful word and the Bible has much to say about awaking. It can mean “a stirring, a recognition, realization and a revival in desiring for, and following the truth of, God.” ( In Hebrew, the word means to wake, stir up, excite. The implied admonition and explicit promise given in Ephesians 5:14 is gripping, “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you,” especially when considered with the words following in verses 15, 17,“Be very careful, then, how you live…Therefore to not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
Living a Life Awakened to the Love of God
As Christians, we know, theologically (with the mind) that Christ is the Word of God; “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) Accepting the Word in our hearts is something else. If I can become awakened to the love of God that is Christ with just one word—awaken—then I am truly, abundantly blessed.
Discover your ONE WORD.
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