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Good And Plenty

Good And Plenty

I find myself in a lot of bad places on the tennis courts. Double faults. Overheads into the net. Practices that do not translate into game play. And being at the bad end of match point, love-40.  Can a Biblical perspective on life help to cope with the bad...
Golden Talent

Golden Talent

(Image of gold Roman coins) We find a huge range of talent on the tennis courts, as in any sport. This was vividly brought to mind watching college-level players compete. No way would I ever come close to what I witnessed. Even more, one of the players was a female...
Do You Trust Your Second Serve?

Do You Trust Your Second Serve?

Your first serve is your aggressive serve. You use it to go on offense and, with a bit of skill and luck, you ace your opponent. But the first serve doesn’t always go in. Your second serve is your trusted serve. Use it to stay in the game after the first serve...
Are You Prepared?

Are You Prepared?

How prepared are you for your next game? Another way to ask this question is how seriously do you take winning and losing?  Preparation takes many forms. Do you stretch your muscles? What is your strategy? How well do you know the style of your double’s partner?...
There’s So Much We Don’t Know

There’s So Much We Don’t Know

The two-sided, beauty-and-the-beast nature of tennis is the depth of the game, the exquisite nuances to learn, and the frustration of knowing how much we don’t know. Above, you see the tennis books in my library. These don’t even come close to all the...
Never Too Old Or Too Late

Never Too Old Or Too Late

This is Phillip Allman, 99 at the time this photo was taken in 2022, and hailed as possibly the world’s oldest tennis player. He reminds me of the title of a book in my tennis library, Never Too Old to Play Tennis by Mansfield Latimer. There’s a comforting...
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