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My game has died many times and it will continue to die on me. Sometimes it is a slow death; at other times it is mercifully fast. And yet, despite all the last rites I give it, somehow it is resurrected. This is through a combination of vision, hope, persistence, and a tenacious belief that my game can come back—even at a higher level.

What is the foundation for relief from problems and hope for better times? We may count on ourselves, others, and some false gods, but these always fail. There may be dark times when nothing seems to provide an answer. This is why the Resurrection of Christ trumps all considerations.

It is simply this: life triumphs over death. Death in all its forms includes the destruction of relationships, the disfigurement of creation, and the abandonment of hope. It is the force of evil attempting to distract us from the source of all that is good. There is only once source of life.

Whatever needs to be brought back from the dead—whether a tennis game or a renewed life—take hold of the power of the Resurrection.

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