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Image Of Primordial Chaos And A Symbol Of The Chaos Of Today

There is chaos and then there is CHAOS. I am familiar with chaos—kids won’t behave, traffic is terrible, too many activities to fit into the day. I can manage this form of chaos with better organization, a little luck, and a good night’s sleep.

CHAOS is a different animal. The Greek kháos (χάος) means emptiness, vast void, chasm, abyss. Several contemporary synonyms include anarchy, turmoil, confusion, disorder, madness, and pandemonium. With these words in mind, follow me to the original state of CHAOS, creation.

Genesis 1: 1-2
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 
Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep”

From this, God began to create order. First came light, then sky and dry ground. Seas were followed by celestial stars. From this living creatures appeared and the ground became productive. At the last, God created mankind and “it was very good.”

What does this mean for us now?

We live in Chaos and only God can tame it and make it very good again.

God gave mankind—us—the honor of ruling His creation for our good. Yet, the world is at war. Natural disasters are commonplace. Government is non-functional. Daily life is a shambles.

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace
1 Corinthians 14:33

The God who made good out of chaos is the God to bring peace to this disorder.

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