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I took one for the team last week—I sat out a match so that another team member could play. It’s important that all team members play during the regular season in order to qualify for the championships at the end of the season. So I sat, watched, and recorded the scores. In the grand scheme of live, not a big deal.

Sacrifice in very early times is another matter and the word evokes images of human sacrifice. Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) involved offerings to God, which ranged from peace offerings to mandatory burnt offerings. Our New Testament Bible focuses on the atoning sacrifice of Christ.  

What does sacrifice have to do with our life, now? 

Like many words, sacrifice has a wide range of meanings and is often diluted to include trivial tasks, like sitting out a tennis match. One meaning we can hold onto is this: 

Sacrifice means giving to the Lord whatever He requires of our time, our earthly possessions, and our energies to further His work. 

Christ took one for His team, which is humanity. We can take one sacrifice for Him.

Photo interpretation: sitting on the bench to allow other team members to play.

Image by Karsten Madsen from Pixabay

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