The best coaches are not necessarily the best players because they cannot connect with you and your game. The best coaches understand your uniqueness and draw from extensive experience to customize instruction that makes sense to you and are within your skill level. Even within the circle of great tennis players, there is great variation in their technique—there is no one size fits all.
Finding common ground is important throughout life. St. Paul understood this intimately when he wrote: “I’ve been broken, lost, depressed, oppressed, and weak that I might find favor and gain the weak (The Voice).” “…to reach a wide range of people: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized—whoever” (Message Bible).
The most amazing example of finding common ground is what we celebrate today, December 25. God found common ground with mankind (us) when He sent His Son to take on our nature and live among us. What we experience, He experienced, and it is for this reason that Christ can connect with us fully and why we can lift up the game of our life. Listen to Coach J.C.
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