The lies we believe rob us of freedom, purpose and power. The 7 Higher Pursuits can help us reclaim our lives when we confront these lies and replace them with truth.
(This thought piece is based on Higher Pursuits: Overcoming the Lies that Keep Us from Freedom, Power, and Purpose. Kindle Edition, by Dave Bowerman. All rights reserved.)

The First Lie is Moral Relativism
The nature of the lie
Moral relativism means determining for ourselves how we will live and interact. Truth is what we determine it to be. The world revolves around me.
The problem with the lie
It is simply an untenable system for living. It is exposed the moment we encounter someone else whose truth revolves around them, and not me.
The solution to the lie
Higher Pursuit #1: Start with God as the basis for living, building upon His truth.
The Second Lie is Denial
The nature of the lie
Denial means we don’t have a problem.
The problem with the lie
We continue to do the wrong, harmful things because we deny reality.
The solution to the lie
Higher Pursuit #2: Confess sin, meaning we have missed the mark. This is the critical next step in returning to a life worth living.
The Third Lie is Minimization
The nature of the lie
Minimization means playing down the effects of our bad behavior.
The problem with the lie
It prevents us from truly grasping the damage we’ve done to ourselves, those around us, and the world within which we live.
The solution to the problem
Higher Pursuit #3: See the consequences, grasp the reality of our actions, and become motivated to change.
The Fourth Lie is Materialism
The nature of the lie
Materialism means asserting that the physical world is all there is.
The problem with the lie
It makes us vulnerable to the lures of the here and now, and the motto “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die” seems sensible.
The solution to the problem
Higher Pursuit #4: Live in the kingdom of God where we discover what truly creates a satisfying life.
The Fifth Lie is Presumptuousness
The nature of the lie
Presumptuousness means relying upon God’s grace as an excuse to sin.
The problem with the lie
It keeps us from making progress spiritually because we continue to do whatever we choose.
The solution to the problem
Higher Pursuit #5: Be dead to sin but alive to God that we may be restored to a right relationship with Him.
The Sixth Lie is Self-Sufficiency
The nature of the lie
Self-sufficiency asserts that we know best what to focus on.
The problem with the lie
The problem is spiritual myopia, the distortion of truth about ourselves, our world, and our creator.
The solution to the lie
Higher Pursuit #6: Keep in step with the Spirit to provide strength and light for our journey.
The Seventh Lie is Hopelessness
The nature of the lie
Hopelessness means believing that we can’t overcome.
The problem with the lie
We resign ourselves to the idea that we will die someday, still in the vice-grip of despair and failure.
The solution to the lie
Higher Pursuit #7: Embrace your testimony that you have found the true source of life in Christ and use it stare down all the untruths and lures of life.
Your Next Step
Read Higher Pursuits: Overcoming the Lies that Keep Us from Freedom, Power, and Purpose for a deep dive into the nature of lies and a Biblical context to the path to freedom, power, and purpose. Also, consider Destroy These False Gods: 101 False Gods To Destroy Before They Destroy You as a complement to Higher Pursuits.