If the pros understand the importance of playing high percentage shots and critically analyze their own and their opponents’ tendencies, why don’t club players, like myself—who have mediocre skills at best—do the same? Answer: deficient DNA or, possibly, we perversely prefer the pain of defeat over the thrill of victory.

Why do we risk the alley when a cross-court is best? Why do we go for aces instead of accuracy? And why do we try to hit overheads from the baseline rather than letting the ball first bounce?

We may never know.

But that’s tennis. What about life? What are the high percentage shots in life? 

If we rely only on our knowledge, wisdom, and insights then we are no more likely to win at life than at tennis. We may succeed is some areas, but THE KEY areas are likely to be missed. So where do we find the best percentages in life? We find them with Christ and it’s 100% guaranteed. 

Of course, it takes faith to trust the 100% guarantee. There will be moments of doubt, confusion—even disbelief—but when we seek, heed, and act on the guidance, strength, and comfort of the Holy Spirit we move toward the winner’s podium.

Tennis games can be physically and emotionally brutal, as can life. The score may move toward or away from our favor, so of the victories and defeats in life. But when the last point is played, when the last prayer is prayed, we are invited to accept the trophy of eternal life with our creator. 

Believe. Trust. Have Faith. Win.

Image by Christiane from Pixabay

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