My journey to the abundant life is currently 76 years in the making.
I could never have imagined where I could be today based on my early years. That is the blessing of time directed by God. Where I once craved what the world promised, now I crave the promise of a loving God. When once I sought to optimize my search results on my business website, I now work to optimize my search for wisdom. And where LinkedIn was my business resumé, it is now directed to The Abundant Life.
Today I Will

Confess My Cowardice To Proclaim Christ
Today I will confess my cowardice in standing up for Christ, for the many times I have abandoned Him when I could have proclaimed Him in word or deed, for being a paper disciple.

Ask The Lord To Set Me Free
Today I will ask the Lord to liberate me, to set me free of my earthly chains, that I may worship Him and Him alone. This is what the Lord sets us free for, what He died for. Exodus 8:1Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord...

Become What God Sees In Me
Today I will pray the Spirit to match (step-by-step, day-by-day) the total change in the way God sees me, through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, with a total change in my faith and life: to “crucify” the old me. Galatians 2:20I am crucified with Christ*:...