My journey to the abundant life is currently 76 years in the making.
I could never have imagined where I could be today based on my early years. That is the blessing of time directed by God. Where I once craved what the world promised, now I crave the promise of a loving God. When once I sought to optimize my search results on my business website, I now work to optimize my search for wisdom. And where LinkedIn was my business resumé, it is now directed to The Abundant Life.
Today I Will
Bring Glory To God, Not To Myself
Today I will try to bring glory to God at all times, in all things. It would be heroic, though not easy, to bring glory in difficult times. It is certainly not heroic, and most certainly not easy, to bring glory during times of drudgery. But it is in times of drudgery...
Do What I Am Entrusted To Do
Today I will, with faithfulness and diligence and for the sheer pleasure of pleasing Him, perform the tasks my Master has entrusted to me, tasks that are critical to His kingdom: that I may share in His joy, happiness, pleasure, and blessedness. Matthew 25:23“The...
Toil With Superhuman Energy
Today I will toil with and be sustained by the superhuman energy that is in Christ. And what is my work? It is to draw attention to God’s redeeming masterpiece in Christ. 1 Corinthians 29This is why I continue to toil and struggle—because His amazing power and...