My journey to the abundant life is currently 76 years in the making.
I could never have imagined where I could be today based on my early years. That is the blessing of time directed by God. Where I once craved what the world promised, now I crave the promise of a loving God. When once I sought to optimize my search results on my business website, I now work to optimize my search for wisdom. And where LinkedIn was my business resumé, it is now directed to The Abundant Life.
Today I Will
Look For The Power Within
Today I will look within to meet the challenges without. We are assaulted from the outside by forces and events that could easily break us. That is why we need the supernatural power of Christ to reside in our hearts, mind, and will.Ephesians 3:16-19And I pray that he...
Rest In Christ To Recover My Life
Today I will seek the real rest that is only in Christ. “Whenever anything begins to disintegrate your life with Jesus Christ, turn to Him at once and ask Him to establish rest. Never allow anything to remain which is making the dis-peace.” My Utmost,...
Lighten My Burden
Today I will seek the lighter burden and the gentler yoke by looking for Christ with child-like eyes. Life is never burden-free. We find what we seek. And cleverness and intelligence may be more an obstacle than a help. Matthew 11 7-8 “What did you go out into the...