My journey to the abundant life is currently 76 years in the making.
I could never have imagined where I could be today based on my early years. That is the blessing of time directed by God. Where I once craved what the world promised, now I crave the promise of a loving God. When once I sought to optimize my search results on my business website, I now work to optimize my search for wisdom. And where LinkedIn was my business resumé, it is now directed to The Abundant Life.
Today I Will
Continue To My Jerusalem
Today I will continue my ascent to my Jerusalem. It is a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey to the spirit of God. Psalm 122:1I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord!Amplified Bible, Classic Edition Today I will ascend to God’s...
Glorify God In Life’s Shallows
Today I will look for God in the shallows. We live most of life in spiritual shallows; eating, walking, performing mundane tasks. Yet, God is there and that makes them profound. “Beware of posing as a profound person; God became a baby.” (Oswald Chambers, Upmost,...
Be Held In The Grip Of Love
Today I will “be held as in a vice, constrained by the love of God” (Chambers, Utmost, November 20). This is too great a thought for my mind to comprehend and so I must surrender to it.Ephesians 1:7In Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His...