Today I will ask God to break my haughty, prideful spirit that I may allow Him to make me into what He teaches me to be. What I want is what the world entices me to want, and it is not poverty of spirit, meekness, or to mourn. What I want leads to despair, incompleteness and a thirsty spirit. What Christ can make me into is this: to have treasure in heaven, to be arrayed more splendidly than Solomon, to bear good fruit, to discover the gate to true life.

Matthew 5:3 
Blessed are the poor in spirit
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (a) (b)

Today I will lay on God’s altar my broken spirit.

(a) Other translations read “Blessed are those who recognize they are spiritually helpless. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” God’s Word Translation
(b) Oswald Chambers writes a very clarifying commentary on the essence of all the Beatitudes in his July 21 piece, “The Gateway To The Kingdom” (My Utmost For His Highest). In summary, the Beatitudes present us with the impossible until we acknowledge our spiritual poverty and surrender to Christ to make us what we cannot make ourselves.

First posted July 21, 2023