Today I will ponder the question, “Will I trust Christ in the valley as strongly as I do on the mountaintop?” Will I maintain my faith when things are “neither beautiful nor poetic nor thrilling”? (Chambers Utmost October 2) The answer is “with God’s help.” Mark...
Today I will replace my feeble “If You can” with a confident “according to Thy will,” emboldened by the belief that it is not how one prays but the One who hears the prayer that is the power behind prayer. Mark 9:22-23 “But if you can do anything, take pity...
Today I will accept my responsibility to “suffer” for the sake of the Gospel (and to learn what that means and entails) and for the power to proclaim and live the Gospel in the manner Christ has fashioned me for. I know this will be difficult. One example of suffering...
Today I will follow Christ more fully and pray for the commitment, strength, and endurance to do so. Unworthy as I am, Christ still beckons me. His call to follow is beyond my grasp, and so I must seek His supernatural help. Luke 9:57-62 Three People Who Wanted To Be...
Today I will go the extra mile (because this is what my relationship to Christ demands) relying not on my power but on spiritual power. This extra mile begins where the compelled mile ends, and transforms action from forced labor to loving service. So too with...