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Today I will accept drudgery as part of life, but also believe that, with a Christian perspective, it can be transformed into a light that shines onto God’s glory. 

“Chambers tells all of us who experience drudgery that when we “arise and shine” (Isaiah 60:1) three things happen: We find God, our drudgery becomes a divine task, and other people see that we do our job in a holy way. Have you ever met someone who can do a menial job in a way that shines with God’s light? If you are struggling with drudgery, Chambers’ advice is again to “take the first step.” Whatever you have in front of you, do it, then look for God to show up. Never mind that your task is “far removed” from your ideals of Christian work; God will bless you as you do the next thing He has for you.”
From Daily Companion to Upmost

Today I will go to God’s altar even if it feels like drudgery.

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