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Today I will address my ignorance and seek the answer to, “Who are you, Lord?” I must not substitute the intellectual Lord I have built in my mind for the Lord who seeks me out. I must not seek to serve Him in my own way, eager and sincere as it may be, but driven by a spirit that is not His. I will use the events in my life-how they rattle my convictions-to expose my ignorance and correct my understanding, and then delight to do His will. 

Acts 26:15

“I asked, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ “And the Lord replied, ‘I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting. 

Christian Standard Bible

Psalm 40:8

And I delight to do your will, my God, for your law is written upon my heart!”

The Living Bible

Today I will lose my ignorance on the way to God’s altar.

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