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False gods are spiritual forces that seek to destroy God by destroying our relationship with God. This is so easily accomplished in today’s world. For this reason, we must be on the lookout for these forces and resist them.

How To Identify These Forces

In the physical world, we encounter evil in the form of evil people. There is unnecessary pain and suffering inflicted by those who are not led by God.

In the world of the mind, we blame God all sorts of conditions that are part of life and that we inflict upon ourselves.

In the spiritual world, the world of God who is spirit and truth, we yield to the lies that Satan so cleverly places before us, to temptations that seem beyond our ability to resist, and to lies and slanders about who God is that comes from many places.

Our enemy is powerful, clever, resourceful, and patient. Thank God that our God is stronger, with all-powerful resources, and with a desire that we not be devoured but saved.

Read more in “Victory in Christ Over Spiritual Enemies.” Read more in the False Gods Blog. And consider the book, “Destroy These False Gods: 101 False Gods to Destroy Before They Destroy You.”

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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