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Today I will fix my purpose on pleasing Christ. I will strive to be like Paul, “like a musician who does not heed the approval of the audience if he can catch the look of approval from his Master.” (From My Utmost for His Highest Classic Edition, March 17)
2 Corinthians 5:9
…our purpose stays fixed, and that is to please Him.

Eleven ways to please Christ

  1. Stay in touch; pray and listen
  2. Renew the mind with knowledge; study the Bible
  3. Serve our neighbor 
  4. Witness through our lives—what we say and do
  5. Worship; true worship is more than rituals and words
  6. Share our abundance; time, treasure, talent
  7. Stay in community 
  8. Choose wisely; faith over fear, hope over despair, gratitude over arrogance 
  9. Depend absolutely on the Holy Spirit to show me how to how11. 
  10. To grow in faith, that I may give glory to God
  11. To always seek the next way

    Today I will lay on God’s altar all my self-serving goals.
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