Naming, Claiming, and Proclaiming
the Abundant LifeWho am I? Good question. Who am I, really?
A very good question, a soul-searching question.
I am in search of The Abundant Life.
Why choose the abundant life? What is it? And where may it be found?
Join me in my journey to The Abundant Life.
my journey begins daily
today i will...
I begin each day with short reflections based on Study, Prayer, and a commitment to Action (my Bible SPA).
What amazes me is the ease, breadth and depth of these thoughts that can only come from the Holy Spirit. I conclude each reflection with a mention of God’s altar because it is at God’s altar where blessings are bestowed, gratitude is offered, and wholeness is made. And God’s altar may be found anywhere and everywhere, and especially in my heart.
Reflect On Forgiveness
Today I will reflect on what forgiveness truly means as I pray “forgive what I’ve been, amend what I am, and direct what I shall be in newness of life with thee.” “Forgiveness means that I am forgiven into a newly created relationship which identifies me with God in...
Be Set Free
Today I will be set free. This is a matter of acceptance and obedience; acceptance of salvation, acceptance of a new identity, acceptance of forgiveness, acceptance of a new power to live a new life. Obedience to the call of Christ, following Him moment by moment, is...
Listen Through The Spirit
Today I will listen to God by listening through His spirit within me, not with my human ears, for God speaks as spirit to spirit. The more I listen, the more I obey, and the more He is revealed. “Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy holy...
Short Provocative Thoughts
Don't hoard your prayers and gifts. You need them to thrive and someone may need them to survive.
False Gods
What false god are you worshipping, that has you in its grip, and is making your life absolutely miserable?
What Will You Do?
What WILL you do, not may do or should do, not even must do today? Commit now. Read more.