Naming, Claiming, and Proclaiming
the Abundant LifeWho am I? Good question. Who am I, really?
A very good question, a soul-searching question.
I am in search of The Abundant Life.
Why choose the abundant life? What is it? And where may it be found?
Join me in my journey to The Abundant Life.
my journey begins daily
today i will...
I begin each day with short reflections based on Study, Prayer, and a commitment to Action (my Bible SPA).
What amazes me is the ease, breadth and depth of these thoughts that can only come from the Holy Spirit. I conclude each reflection with a mention of God’s altar because it is at God’s altar where blessings are bestowed, gratitude is offered, and wholeness is made. And God’s altar may be found anywhere and everywhere, and especially in my heart.
Be Led In Triumph
Today I will walk in Christ’s triumphant parade (the victory of the atonement) as both captive and warrior, embracing the fragrance of my life in Him, and His life in me. 2 Corinthians 2:14But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and...
Shed My Old Life For New
Today I will shed my old life, with all its issues and prejudices, for a new life of trust in Christ with all its blessings. I will do so daily. And I will look upon others and search for the new life than can be in them. Yet even more, I will commit to being an...
Cease Being The God Of My Life
Today I will cease being the god of my life that God may reveal himself as the true and only God of my life. Only then will I fully comprehend the all-embracing fullness of being a child of God with the promise of an eternal inheritance. Romans 8:15God's Spirit...
Short Provocative Thoughts
Jesus Is Your Sports Psychologist
Athletes are increasingly using sports psychologists to help them manage their mind and win. Paul knew about renewing the mind 2,000 years ago (Romans 12:2).
Where To Focus
"You’re not taking your career to heaven. You are taking your character." Rick Warren
False Wisdom
Some people with vast ignorance make such outrageous statements that fools mistake it for a mysterious and enigmatic wisdom. (Base on a thought by Herbert O'Driscoll)