Naming, Claiming, and Proclaiming
the Abundant LifeWho am I? Good question. Who am I, really?
A very good question, a soul-searching question.
I am in search of The Abundant Life.
Why choose the abundant life? What is it? And where may it be found?
Join me in my journey to The Abundant Life.
my journey begins daily
today i will...
I begin each day with short reflections based on Study, Prayer, and a commitment to Action (my Bible SPA).
What amazes me is the ease, breadth and depth of these thoughts that can only come from the Holy Spirit. I conclude each reflection with a mention of God’s altar because it is at God’s altar where blessings are bestowed, gratitude is offered, and wholeness is made. And God’s altar may be found anywhere and everywhere, and especially in my heart.
Accept Suffering For Christ’s Sake
Today I will accept my responsibility to “suffer” for the sake of the Gospel (and to learn what that means and entails) and for the power to proclaim and live the Gospel in the manner Christ has fashioned me for. I know this will be difficult. One example of suffering...
Follow Christ More Fully
Today I will follow Christ more fully and pray for the commitment, strength, and endurance to do so. Unworthy as I am, Christ still beckons me. His call to follow is beyond my grasp, and so I must seek His supernatural help. Luke 9:57-62 Three People Who Wanted To Be...
Go The Extra Mile
Today I will go the extra mile (because this is what my relationship to Christ demands) relying not on my power but on spiritual power. This extra mile begins where the compelled mile ends, and transforms action from forced labor to loving service. So too with...
Short Provocative Thoughts
Do You Prefer Answers Or God?
Would you prefer all of life's answers and no God, or God and no answers?
Devoted To A Person
We are devoted to a person—Christ—and not a principle or a cause.
Man-Made Love Is Not Love
"Love" may be sweet sounding but without God it is less. Beware what we call love.