Naming, Claiming, and Proclaiming
the Abundant LifeWho am I? Good question. Who am I, really?
A very good question, a soul-searching question.
I am in search of The Abundant Life.
Why choose the abundant life? What is it? And where may it be found?
Join me in my journey to The Abundant Life.
my journey begins daily
today i will...
I begin each day with short reflections based on Study, Prayer, and a commitment to Action (my Bible SPA).
What amazes me is the ease, breadth and depth of these thoughts that can only come from the Holy Spirit. I conclude each reflection with a mention of God’s altar because it is at God’s altar where blessings are bestowed, gratitude is offered, and wholeness is made. And God’s altar may be found anywhere and everywhere, and especially in my heart.
Embrace The Struggle
Today I will embrace the struggle.“God does not give us overcoming life: He gives us life as we overcome.”Chambers, August 2First the struggle, then the blessing. (Jacob wrestling)Genesis 32: 24-29John 16:33And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is...
Move On When Taught
Today I will seek to be taught that I may act.Matthew 11:1After Jesus finished giving his twelve disciples these instructions, he moved on from there to teach his message in their cities.God’s Word TranslationToday I will go straight to God’s altar to be taught....
Destroy My Illusions With Christ’s Reality
Today I will seek the reality of Christ in my life and ask Him to open my eyes to the illusions of men. “Many of the cruel things in life spring from the fact that we suffer from illusions.” (Oswald Chambers) These illusions come from the demands of the human heart...
Short Provocative Thoughts
Spiritual Gaslighting
Who or what is trying to pull you away from the truth of the Bible?
We triumph in adversity when we hold onto our faith.
Be A Prayer First Responder
Whether to emergencies or to joy, let prayer be your first response.