Naming, Claiming, and Proclaiming
the Abundant LifeWho am I? Good question. Who am I, really?
A very good question, a soul-searching question.
I am in search of The Abundant Life.
Why choose the abundant life? What is it? And where may it be found?
Join me in my journey to The Abundant Life.
my journey begins daily
today i will...
I begin each day with short reflections based on Study, Prayer, and a commitment to Action (my Bible SPA).
What amazes me is the ease, breadth and depth of these thoughts that can only come from the Holy Spirit. I conclude each reflection with a mention of God’s altar because it is at God’s altar where blessings are bestowed, gratitude is offered, and wholeness is made. And God’s altar may be found anywhere and everywhere, and especially in my heart.
Continue To My Jerusalem
Today I will continue my ascent to my Jerusalem. It is a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey to the spirit of God. Psalm 122:1I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord!Amplified Bible, Classic Edition Today I will ascend to God’s...
Glorify God In Life’s Shallows
Today I will look for God in the shallows. We live most of life in spiritual shallows; eating, walking, performing mundane tasks. Yet, God is there and that makes them profound. “Beware of posing as a profound person; God became a baby.” (Oswald Chambers, Upmost,...
Be Held In The Grip Of Love
Today I will “be held as in a vice, constrained by the love of God” (Chambers, Utmost, November 20). This is too great a thought for my mind to comprehend and so I must surrender to it.Ephesians 1:7In Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His...
Short Provocative Thoughts
Special Effects
Special effects are not real. There are no special effects in the Bible.
Since you can't know everything, how do you know what is most important?
Breaking Point
Who can keep you from breaking, strengthen you in weakness, catch you when failing, and renew you in your weariness?