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Today I will see through the eyes of the Spirit the wisdom, truth, beauty, and bounty of God. The Spirit leads us to God’s treasure; there is no greater love.

1 Corinthians 2:9-13
But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him’. But God has, through the Spirit, let us share his secret. For nothing is hidden from the Spirit, not even the deep wisdom of God. For who could really understand a man’s inmost thoughts except the spirit of the man himself? How much less could anyone understand the thoughts of God except the very Spirit of God? And the marvellous thing is this, that we now receive not the spirit of the world but the Spirit of God himself, so that we can actually understand something of God’s generosity towards us.

Today I will see God’s altar with the eyes of His Spirit.d

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