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Today I will seek God’s rest in all its blessed forms. “Rest” is an amazing idea. It means cessation (at least temporarily) from a burden, a time to refresh, rebuild and restore. It refers to the coming of the Holy Spirit to rest upon you. With rest comes peace and quiet. It is a time to refocus and understand life in new contexts. It is a “tonic for the frustration of the mind and the anguish of the soul” (Encyclopedia of the Bible). There is also spiritual rest, a rest that cannot be found in religious laws but in the freeing mercy and forgiveness of Christ. And how is God’s rest to be found? By “coming unto Him,” walking daily beside Him and learning from Him.

Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Today I will enjoy God’s rest at His altar.

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