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Fight the battle of wills

Fight the battle of wills

Today I will fight the battle of wills-my will vs. God’s will. “I must get the thing settled between my self and God in the secret places of my soul where no stranger intermeddles…” “The reason the battle is not won is because I try to win it in the external world...
Become a Bethlehem

Become a Bethlehem

Today I will become a Bethlehem, a place where Christ can enter my life and live within it, and my doorway into His kingdom. Matthew 2:6‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,Are not the least among the rulers of Judah;For out of you shall come a RulerWho will...
Embrace Peace

Embrace Peace

Today I will embrace the peace that only God provides. Isaiah said, “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3.) It was announced by angels to simple shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth...


I praise you, Lord, for the glory of your creation. To behold the full moon is to dwell on the enormity of your creation, the profound laws that govern its operation. It is to glimpse something so magnificent that the mind recoils at its own finiteness and...
Stand Before God

Stand Before God

Today I will stand before God and ask Him to show me, like Scrooge, what life without Him would be like: past, present, and future. I pray that this knowledge that surpasses knowledge will direct me to a life of fruitfulness; I do not want my life to be a broken...
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