by Don Metznik | Jan 13, 2021 | Today I Will
Today I will reflect on the parable of my life and what simple message The Spirit is sending me. What truth about God’s kingdom is unfolding? To understand I must get alone with Christ and await the gift of the Spirit; this is the way God speaks to us. Mark 4:10 When...
by Don Metznik | Jan 10, 2021 | Prayers
Lord I believe; help my unbelief. Help me to love you with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength. Let there be nothing in me that does not love you. Help me to love my neighbor as myself. Help me to truly see and hear the cry of my neighbor and respond with loving...
by Don Metznik | Jan 7, 2021 | Today I Will
Today I will abide in the friendship of Christ and in the enormity of what this means: a “close intimacy of thought, heart, and spirit;” “never lonely, never lacking for understanding or compassion,” living in “strong, calm sanity.” (Chambers)....
by Don Metznik | Jan 5, 2021 | Today I Will
Today I will worship God, enlarging my vision of Him that I may be changed, transformed. Worship brings me closer to God; everything looks larger the closer it is viewed. And I need a bigger God; the bigger my God, the smaller my problems, the lesser my worries, the...
by Don Metznik | Dec 30, 2020 | Today I Will
Today (as I approach a new year, 2021) I will not grow weary of the life of the past but will refresh myself in all the springs of joyful blessings from the Lord. Galatians 6:9Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give...