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A Spiritual Ark

Lord, as Noah did, do for us according to your covenant. Build a spiritual ark that we may occupy through treacherous waters and bring us safely into Your grasp that we may know your loving kindness.


Lord, you have sown many seeds in our lives. If we lack understanding, inform us. If we lack commitment, build us up. And if we are distracted, keep us focused. All for the purpose of bearing much fruit and shining light upon Your glory.

Healing Prayer For Wholeness

We thank you, Lord, that you are a God of healing. You desire that we be made whole in every way and demonstrated this through the words and miracles of your Son. Bring your healing power to D___ for a renewed body and mind. Bless those who attend to him. May they use...


(A prayer to strengthen someone about to go into chemo therapy.) Tomorrow is your D-Day when you begin your assault on the enemy that has invaded your body. Your goal is total annihilation. The best minds have made the plan. The best commanders lead the troops. The...

Hear Your Words

Lord, when we are in pain and discouraged like Jeremiah, let us hear your words that you are with us to save and deliver us, and so rest in your promise. Jeremiah 15″20
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