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Confess My Cowardice To Proclaim Christ

Confess My Cowardice To Proclaim Christ

Today I will confess my cowardice in standing up for Christ, for the many times I have abandoned Him when I could have proclaimed Him in word or deed, for being a paper disciple. Yet, I am powerless to be stronger. So I pray the Holy Spirit to strengthen me in love...
Ask The Lord To Set Me Free

Ask The Lord To Set Me Free

Today I will ask the Lord to liberate me, to set me free of my earthly chains, that I may worship Him and Him alone. This is what the Lord sets us free for, what He died for. Exodus 8:1Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord...
Become What God Sees In Me

Become What God Sees In Me

Today I will pray the Spirit to match (step-by-step, day-by-day) the total change in the way God sees me, through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, with a total change in my faith and life: to “crucify” the old me. Galatians 2:20I am crucified with Christ*:...
Seek To Know God For Who He Is

Seek To Know God For Who He Is

Today I will seek God for who He is and not for what He can do for me. I will seek to be the will of God, not just to know it. I will seek to know Him, not just to know of Him. And when He blesses me with a sense of Him, I will be a gracious host, provide the...
Treat My Body As Sacred

Treat My Body As Sacred

Today I will treat my body as sacred and ask the Holy Spirit to empower me to keep it so, to do good, not evil; to unyoke myself from unbelievers, unrighteousness, and darkness; and to be cleansed by trust in Christ. I will do this to claim His promises:2 Corinthians...
Strive To Please Christ

Strive To Please Christ

Today I will fix my purpose on pleasing Christ. I will strive to be like Paul, “like a musician who does not heed the approval of the audience if he can catch the look of approval from his Master.” (From My Utmost for His Highest Classic Edition, March 17)2...
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