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False Gods

Destroy These False Gods


What are they? Where are they? And why is this important?

False gods are whatever deny what we know to be true or good. False gods destroy, they do not build up. They compound problems and give only the impression of a solution. They deceive, not clarify. They offer easy options to situations that can only be addressed with the willingness to accept painful reality. They give the illusion of strength, when in reality they rob us of real strength. Like drugs, false gods distort our lives and fill us with false hope.

Read: Destroy These False Gods: 101 False Gods To Destroy Before They Destroy You on Amazon



What Demons Must Be Forcibly Ejected?

What Demons Must Be Forcibly Ejected?

These are not simple pests or bad habits to be removed. They are supernatural spirits, Satanic forces that torment and are beyond our natural ability to dislodge. Mary Magdalene was possessed by seven demons causing unimaginable pain. No human power could help her...

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Beware False Gods

Beware False Gods

FALSE GODS ARE POWERFUL The image in the above photo is a gargoyle fashioned from concrete. It is lifeless and therefore not a threat. False gods are not lifeless; they are real but may not be as visible as this gargoyle. They are also destructive, not only to our...

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