Below you will find an Abundant Thought for each day of the year. Simply scroll down to find your date.

January 1
Today I will go forth rejoicing in the power of the Spirit to live a life focused on Christ, with a faith based on confident expectation, not wishful thinking.

January 2
Today I will look for how God reveals himself to me and follow in faith. 

January 3
Today I will worship God, enlarging my vision of Him that I may be changed and transformed.

January 4
Today I will take stock of my weakness in faith and beware of brash statements unsupported by true conviction, for I do not possess any strength of my own, but rely solely on the Spirit.

January 5
Today I will stop being distracted by lesser considerations that rob me of greater joys. What truly matters is my relationship to Christ. He says, “Follow me.”

January 6
Today I will stop being distracted by lesser considerations that rob me of greater joys. What truly matters is my relationship to Christ. He says, “Follow me.”

January 7
Today I will abide in the friendship of Christ and in the enormity of what this means: never lonely, never in need of sympathy, living in “strong, calm sanity.”

January 8
Today I will be a living sacrifice, not by giving up things for the sake of giving them up, but for loosening the bands that prevent me from offering myself—my life, my possessions, my energy— to God’s will and life with Him.

January 9
Today I will seek a feeling for my inscrutable God, not the impossibility of a description: reverential awe, majesty, royal splendor, awesome power veiled by impenetrable clouds and thick darkness.

January 10
Today I will act and speak in a way to open the eyes of others to the light of Christ.

January 11

Today I will wrestle with the fact that while Christ could die for us he could not carry His cross alone. In life we need others to help us carry our burdens, and others need us to help them. Simon’s planned journey to the celebration of Passover was jarringly interrupted by a totally unexpected life event. How would I respond when life interrupts my plans? Who will help me with my cross? How will I respond when life interrupts my neighbor’s plans. Will I offer to help carry their cross?

January 12
Today I will stop being ignorant of myself and glimpse what I look like to God, who sees into all the dark crevices of my soul. I will consider the parables and what they expose in me. This will be the foundation of being remade by Him.

January 13
Today I will reflect on the parable of my life and what simple message The Spirit is sending me. What truth about God’s kingdom is unfolding? To understand I must get alone with Christ and await the gift of the Spirit; this is the way God speaks to us.

January 14
Today I will prepare myself for God’s call by seeking to deepen my relationship with Him. I do not expect it to be a command, but a gentle invitation, and not to me only. So I must be prepared to listen, hear, and respond.

January 15
Today I will acknowledge my small part in God’s greater narrative of redemption, calling on Him and claiming His promises. I must claim His promises in faith.

January 16
Today I will rest in the knowledge that all my needs are satisfied, all my calls for help answered, and all my uncleanliness removed for I have an all-powerful God, an all-loving savior, and an all-knowing Spirit to lead, defend, and sustain me.

January 17
Today I will seek God’s call which I will express in service. It is not a call to a particular service-how I uniquely respond-but to God’s nature. I will keep open to God and not overly focus on something to do. We are called to a personal God, not a particular goal.

January 18
Today I will embrace what “born again” means. It is a “perennial, perpetual and eternal beginning; freshness all the time in thinking and in talking and in living, the continual surprise of the life of God.” Oswald Chambers, Utmost, January 20.

January 19
Today I will thank God for being my greatest treasure, above all that I have. 

January 20
Today I will not anxiously seek opportunities for service, making it a false god. Rather, I will seek oneness with God.

January 21
Today I will heed Jeremiah’s warning and drink from God’s spring of living waters, ever-flowing and abundant.

January 22
Today I will turn to God and be saved, consider what my life would be without God and what it can be with more of God; I will be grateful for blessings but not depending on them, especially if they take my eye off of my relationship with God.

January 23
Today I will pray the Spirit to transform me, day-by-day, to reflect the glory of Christ: to look beyond blessings, avoid the trap of worshiping service, and not become preoccupied by business.

January 24
Today I will hold, above all aims, goals, purposes and visions, my personal relationship with Christ.

January 25
Today I will make room for God to break through in unexpected ways, according to His timing.

January 26
Today I will check my heavenly closet for all the garments God has clothed me with. 

January 27
Today I will make God my master, not food or clothes or anything else that sustains the body, for the body was made for us to live to God and not to be our master.

January 28
Today I will face the harsh reality that I, like Paul, persecute Jesus, not with the same venom or tragic results, but persecute Him nonetheless in a life not totally given to Him.

January 29
Today I will address my ignorance and seek the answer to, “Who are you, Lord?”

January 30
Today I will say, “Speak, Eternal One. Your servant is listening.” in all circumstances.

January 31
Today I will challenge myself with the question, “what does it mean to really live?” 

February 1
Today I will be reminded that there is a limit to human wisdom, and to “focus on Christ to understand God’s will.

February 2
Today I will spend more time with Christ that I may know how wide and long and high and deep is His love. 

February 3
Today I will trust God more. 

February 4
Today I will cling to the belief that nothing has the power to separate me from the love of Christ.

February 5
Today I will seek knowledge and a simple, open frame of mind, not to appear wise but to deepen my relationship with Christ.

February 6
Today I will bind my will with cords of love to the altar of the Lord as a living sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and of my commitment  to be offered up to God’s will.

February 7
Today I will seek God who gives the answer and not demand His answer. 

February 8
Today I will pray to be made one with Christ so that Your will that ruled Him will rule me.

February 9
Today I will nourish myself on Christ that others may be nourished by me.

February 10
Today I will do what I must to demolish the arguments, ideas, and every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God.

February 11
Today I will use my imagination—my mind—to visualize my God, not my problems; to replenish spiritual energy by mentally bringing each thought into captivity to Christ; to use creation to take my focus off of idols which starve our minds of God.

February 12
Today I will take responsibility for my relationship to God—what I believe and how I shall act—and not fear to hear the voice of God speak to me.

February 13
Today I will actively listen to God’s voice, conscious that I so easily miss it by my preoccupation with other things. 

February 14
Today I will discipline myself to pay attention to God when I am in darkness.

February 15
Today I will commit to ‘Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.’ (Solomon)

February 16
Today I will choose every thought and every action on the basis of “life or death, blessing or curse”; will I promote life, light and blessing or death, darkness and curses?

February 17
Today I will be alert to the suffocating, draining toll of discouragement: that its presence in our lives is to be expected, but not feared; that its grip may be tenacious but not all powerful; and that if we are not able to break its grip ourselves, God can and in unexpected ways.

February 18
Today I will accept despair as part of life, but also believe that I can offer it up on Christ’s altar where it can be accepted and redeemed.

February 19
Today I will accept drudgery as part of life, but also believe that, with a Christian perspective, it can be transformed into a light that shines onto God’s glory. 

February 20
Today I will be the water that primes someone’s emotionally dry pump. I will prime with godly words of comfort and compassion. 

February 21
Today I will perform a small act of foolishness as a token of my abandonment to Christ.

February 22
Today I will enlarge how I believe in God from mere caring to “I care deeply about God, I pledge Him my heart and soul, I opt to live in loyalty to Him.” 

February 23
Today I will base my service on love of God, not love of humanity. 

February 24
Today I will begin to declutter my life and mind, slow the pace of activity (the work of unwork), and surrender my false notion of control in preparation for Lent.

February 25
Today I will stop fleeing from God, as Jonah attempted. I will not resent His love for and mercy to those I envy or despise, as Jonah did. 

February 26
Today I will seek Jesus in unlikely places and with unlikely people (including myself). 

February 27
Today I will seek His living waters from His almighty power and grace. 

February 28
Today I will follow the paths God sets before me. I will ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom, discernment, and courage, and not rely on my own uninspired notions which produce for myself perplexities and sorrows and difficulties.

February 29
Today I will ask for my sight-my spiritual sight-that I may know what God seeks from me and what He has given and wishes to give to me.

March 1
Today I will listen to God alone and not to the serpent.

March 2
Today I will refuse to wallow in failure. 

March 3
Today I will challenge myself to feed God’s sheep-all those I encounter.

March 4
Today will I pray to understand how God has spoken to me through my weaknesses.

March 5
Today I will give thanks to God in all circumstances, though not for all circumstances.

March 6
Today I will steel myself against the onslaught of evil, hardship, and every impediment that life may bring…

March 7
Today I will put my confidence-all of it-in God and not in man.

March 8
Today I will accept salvation not by works but by faith, an entirely free gift from God.

March 9
Today I will commit to abide in Christ, to walk with Him everywhere, to seek Him as my constant companion:

March 10
Today I will affirm one of the realities of life: it is short and full of sorrows. 

March 11
Today I will bask in the joy of knowing that I am desirable and sought after.

March 12
Today I will not allow my blessings to hinder my devotion to Christ. 

March 13
Today I will dwell on the enormity of John 3:16. I may reconstruct it for myself: for the gift of His only begotten Son and everlasting life that does not perish, I so love God and believe in Him.

March 14
Today I will be watchful that my strengths, blessings, and graces do not expose me to  my weaknesses:

March 15
Today I will acknowledge how ill prepared and fearful I am to follow Christ to the cross.

March 16
Today I will adjust my life to reflect accountability to Christ.

March 17
Today I will fix my purpose on pleasing Christ. I will strive to be like Paul, “like a musician who does not heed the approval of the audience if he can catch the look of approval from his Master.” 

March 18
Today I will treat my body as sacred and ask the Holy Spirit to empower me to keep it so, to do good, not evil;

March 19
Today I will have faith in God that I may give glory to God, to focus on God, not obstacles.

March 20
Today I will seek God for who He is and not for what He can do for me.

March 21
Today I will pray the Spirit to match (step-by-step, day-by-day) the total change in the way God sees me, through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, with a total change in my faith and life: to “crucify” the old me.

March 22
Today I will travel my own road to Emmaus, which is the road to belief.

March 23
Today I will cease fighting my natural disposition to fix myself and welcome the Spirit to fix me from within.

March 24
Today I will ask the Lord to liberate me, to set me free of my earthly chains, that I may worship Him.

March 25
Today I will take heed that I do not betray Christ with a kiss:

March 26
Today I will ask God to scour my heart, to fine what is impure and to cleanse it, that I may see Him at all times, in all situations and in all people. 

March 27
Today I will confess my cowardice in standing up for Christ, for the many times I have abandoned Him when I could have proclaimed Him in word or deed, for being a paper disciple.

March 28
Today I will not dismiss the fathomless, incalculable love of God simply because it is beyond understanding.

March 29
Today I will prepare myself anew for the Lord’s return: 

March 30
Today I will spend more time in intercessory prayer, a form of worship, that I may lift myself to the mind of God for the ones for whom I pray.

March 31
Today I will acknowledge that we all need healing and that we cannot heal ourselves.

April 1
Today I will praise God for His threefold (Trinity) presence in my life and as the model to be spiritually present in the lives of others

April 2
Today I will see through the eyes of the Spirit and be open to receiving my sight through God’s agents.

April 3
Today I will search my heart for the false gods (including religious pride) that blind me to the one true God

April 4
Today I will seek a deeper sense of God’s presence that goes beyond my conscious but surface sense

April 5
Today I will take my trials and anguish to God in prayer, even if God seems hidden from me.

April 6
Today I will live more humbly and gratefully, more simply and reverently.

April 7
Today I will ask the Spirit to reveal more of God’s truth to me.

April 8
Today I will finally “get it” that the cross is the gateway to Christ.

April 9
Today I will attempt to truly see Jesus for who He is.

April 10
Today I will make the decision, in the deepest center of my will, to die to sin

April 11
Today I will leave the prison of sin.

April 12
Today I will live Life (capital L), to be “filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

April 13
Today I will trust in the Lord.

April 14
Today I will examine my life;

April 15
Today I will seek God that I may be found by Him.

April 16
Today I will seek the light of Christ.

April 17
Today I will come that I may see, and seeing I will believe, and believing I will know.

April 18
Today I will look for the small burning bushes that God uses.

April 19
Today I will take my spiritual temperature.

April 20
Today I will not blame God for my faults:

April 21
Today I will cut through the fog of rational inquiry and simply accept that I know God by knowing Christ

September 15
Today I will let the truth and transparency of The Gospel message rule my thoughts, words and deeds.

September 16
Today I will wrap my mind around the enormity, significance, and absolute  necessity of prayer for the true living of life in all its dimensions.

September 17
Today I will pray the Holy Spirit to rescue me from the temptations and trials that would separate me from the Father, to reveal to me the means of escape.

September 18
Today I will focus on the temptations that can kill the soul, the temptations to sever my relationship with God.

September 19
Today I will not “put what God can do for us in place of God himself” (Utmost September 19) meaning that I will remain loyal to Christ in the face of trials and not abandon Him when trials cease.

September 20
Today I will cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I cannot do the cleansing myself and so I will allow the Holy Spirit to work within me.

September 21
Today I will acknowledge my purpose-to glorify God in my life-and its meaning in how I live my life-

September 22
Today I will have Christ as my master and Lord.  My role is as student and servant. I am to learn and obey.

September 23
Today I will follow Christ to my Jerusalem. My Jerusalem is my personal journey on a path unknown but with a destination assured, assured by His atonement. 

September 24
Today I will pave my path with acceptable offerings to God (sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, my will, my right to myself, my possessions) by being reconciled to my brothers and sisters.

September 25
Today I will go the extra mile (because this is what my relationship to Christ demands) relying not on my power but on spiritual power. This extra mile begins where the compelled mile ends, and transforms action from forced labor to loving service.

September 26
Today I will flee To the Lord, I will take refuge under His wings, I will submit to Him that he may substitute for me in my appearance before God. 

September 27
Today I will follow Christ more fully and pray for the commitment, strength, and endurance to do so. The call to follow is beyond my grasp, and so I must seek supernatural help.

September 28
Today I will keep in mind the many looks of Jesus and what they mean to me: love, compassion, sadness, anger, joy, tenderness, resoluteness, turmoil.

September 29
Today I will seek out the “necessity laid upon me” to “preach” the gospel, not upon a pulpit, but through the everyday thoughts and actions of my life.

September 30
Today I will accept my responsibility to “suffer” for the sake of the Gospel, whatever that means and entails, and for the power to proclaim and live the Gospel in the manner Christ has fashioned me for. 

October 1
Today I will replace my feeble “If You can” with a confident “according to Thy will”,

October 2
Today I will ponder the question, “Will I trust Christ in the valley as strongly as I do on the mountaintop?”

October 3
Today I will not be seduced into thinking that my prayers are powerful because I pray them. They are powerful because of my relationship with Christ who hears them, and this relationship is founded upon prayer.

October 4
Today I will affirm that Christ is my cornerstone.

October 5
Today I will reject any claim to myself that I may cleave to Christ’s claim to me and in so doing exchange death for life.

October 6
Today I will nourish my thirst for a Christ-like life and the gift of His holiness in me.

October 7
Today I will shed my old identity for my new one which is Christ in me.

October 8
Today I will seek God’s rest in all its blessed forms.

October 9
Today I will distinguish between my job and God’s job.

October 10
Today I will remove barriers to coming to God. 

October 11
Today I will honor God’s wisdom and timing by honoring His silence. 

October 12
Today I will recognize and act upon these important distinctions: to know God vs. to know of God;

October 13
Today I will reflect on God’s purpose in giving me my life.

October 14
Today I will stay attached to the true Vine that I may bear fruit, which is to glorify God.

October 15
Today I will try to grasp the magnitude of the atonement;

October 16
Today I will reorient my understanding of the call to pray for laborers for the Lord’s harvest.

October 17
Today I will obey Christ’s command to pray. “…by our meeting with God in prayer, God connects His work into our lives.”

October 18
Today I will make my faith a practical, visible faith, helping believers-even strangers-on their journey, offering hospitality in a world where non-believers are inhospitable.

October 19
Today I will look for God’s kingdom around me, to remind and direct me to live on kingdom terms in a world that is hostile to it.

October 20
Today I will choose God and His ways. 

October 21
Today I will build myself up in faith daily, by praying through the Spirit, that I may resist false teaching…

October 22
Today I will cease being the god of my life that God may reveal himself as the god of my life. 

October 23
Today I will shed my old life, with all its issues, for a new life in Christ with all its blessings.

October 24
Today I will walk in Christ’s triumphant parade (the victory of the atonement) as both captive and warrior, 

October 25
Today I will try to find common ground with those I meet.

October 26
Today I will open myself to God’s grace.

October 27
Today I will focus on being a disciple (a student) and not a savior, which is exclusively Christ’s province;

October 28
Today I will be found by a God who searches for me, for all His children.

October 29
Today, though I am unable to fully comprehend Christ’s sacrifice, I will consider it in terms of God’s poetic masterpiece, a work of infinite beauty.

October 30
Today I will acknowledge that I don’t really know what I am doing.

October 31
Today I will strengthen my faith that I may grow my relationship with God, that He may continue to work in me.

November 1
Today I will recognize God’s complete ownership of my body and soul, not as independent entities but as intertwined;

November 2
Today I will focus on how my relationship with Christ is based on my relationship with the world, and that is a matter of priority.

November 3
Today I will accept my new identity in Christ and allow Christ to live in and through me by faith,

November 4
Today I will commit to an active faith of doing-not just talking-the simple faith presented by James.

November 5
Today I will allow (and to rejoice to the extent of my frailty) God to use my trials and sufferings for His benefit, not just mine, for “it’s not just about me.”

November 6
Today I will commit to Martha’s response to Jesus: to believe before she sees.

November 7
Today I will surrender my life through prayer to the Holy Spirit to make everything that has and will happen to me work for God’s purpose, which is His glory.

November 8
Today I will choose to serve the Lord.

November 9
Today I will toil with and be sustained by the superhuman energy that is in Christ.

November 10
Today I will be a Timothy to someone, an encourager.

November 11
Today I will live and rest in peace, regardless of the world around me, for I am upheld, sheltered, and protected by the arms of God

November 12
Today I will continue to be remade in Chris: to be reborn, renewed, refreshed. 

November 13
Today I will fill myself up, saturate myself, with what faith in Christ claims

November 14
Today I will look for divine guidance and miracles in the small, minor details of life.

November 15
Today I will perform, with faithfulness and diligence, the tasks my Master has entrusted to me

November 16
Today I will try to bring glory to God at all times, in all things.

November 17
Today I will listen to God by listening through His spirit within me,

November 18
Today I will be set free. This is a matter of acceptance and obedience;

November 19
Today I will reflect on what forgiveness truly means

November 20
Today I will “be held as in a vice, constrained by the love of God”

December 1
Today I will praise God for giving a perfect moral law without compromise, without shortcuts, without exceptions,

December 2
Today I will press on with my relationship to Christ

December 3
Today I will rely entirely and wholly on God’s  power

December 4
Today I will strive to be an “overcomer”, fighting the inevitable wars of life waged on the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual battlefields.

December 5
Today I will do what I am responsible for, treating my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit 

December 6
Today I will level the path to my soul for the King, clear away all obstacles from a broken relationship.

December 7
Today I will seek a higher level of repentance,

December 8
Today I will base my forgiveness, redemption, and the healing of my relationship on Christ’s sacrifice, not on my sorrow. 

December 9
Today I will surrender my right to dictate the course of my life

December 10
Today I will stay in the race and take what God offers.

December 11
Today I will find the life Christ intends for me by abandoning the life I intend for myself.

December 12
Today I will seek the glorious oneness which is at the heart of Christ’s mission and God’s love.

December 13
Today I will pray unceasingly that I may overflow with hope

December 14
Today I will fully appreciate the perfect peace of Christ, what it is and where it lies.

December 15
Today I will ask God for wisdom in all things,

December 16
Today I will stop wrestling with God; I will surrender

December 17
Today I will ask more. It is not that God withholds, but that man does not ask.

December 18
Today I will be loyal to God,

December 19
Today I will seek Christ’s peace with His sword of truth.

December 20
Today I will see, through the eyes of the Spirit,

December 22
Today I will evaluate my faith:

December 23
Today I will stand before God 

December 24
Today I will embrace the peace that only God provides.

December 25
Today I will become a Bethlehem, a place where Christ can enter my life and live within it,

December 26
Today I will walk in the light,

December 27
Today I will fight the battle of wills-my will vs. God’s will.

December 28
Today I will turn to God that I may enter the kingdom of heaven.

December 29
Today I will continue to follow Christ, and not turn away,

December 30
Today (as I approach a new year) I will not grow weary of the life of the past but will refresh myself in all the springs of joyful blessings from the Lord.

December 31
Today I will carry the Christmas message into the New Year.