My journey to the abundant life is currently 76 years in the making.
I could never have imagined where I could be today based on my early years. That is the blessing of time directed by God. Where I once craved what the world promised, now I crave the promise of a loving God. When once I sought to optimize my search results on my business website, I now work to optimize my search for wisdom. And where LinkedIn was my business resumé, it is now directed to The Abundant Life.
Today I Will
Seek A Deeper Vision Of God
Today I will seek a deeper vision of God, that I may be more deeply inspired by Him and have a greater vitality for the life I have been given. This vision may take patience and its message may be as profound as “God is on His throne.”
Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
Today I will walk by faith, not by sight, believing that Christ is always beside me, even when I do not see or feel His presence.
Invite Love To Burst Upon Me
Today I will welcome, invite, await spontaneous love to burst upon me. I will not attempt to concoct, manufacture or create love, for that is impossible. Yes, I will engage in prayer, study, and others means to make myself available to God’s love, but it is not my efforts that will produce love, but God within me.