Today I will build my approach to life – enthusiasm, courage, endurance, and tenacity – based on God’s assurances and not on my “worries, dread, and frailties” (Chambers). My approach will come from listening to God’s words, not mine.

John 14:18
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Mathew 28:20
I am with you always.

Hebrews 13:5-6
For He Himself has said “I will never let you go, nor will I by any means forsake you”,so that while being confident we say “The Lord is a helper for me and I will not fear. What will a human do to me?”
Disciples Literal Translations

Today I will approach God’s altar for the gift of His assurances.

First posted October 31, 2022

(Image by Anastasia Kolchedantseva from Pixabay)