Today I will not anxiously seek opportunities for service, making it a false god. Rather, I will seek oneness with God.

“Oneness with God through the Spirit is far more than just having our sins forgiven and getting into heaven. Our Spirit-given oneness is the only way for us to be “fresh” each day. What are your props? What hurts are you trying to fix by staying busy? How will God heal you today?”  (Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, Classic Edition on this day.)

How to be healed? How to avoid the trap of thinking our will is God’s will? Seek life in the Spirit.

John 3:8

The wind (or spirit) blows all around us as if it has a will of its own; we feel and hear it, but we do not understand where it has come from or where it will end up. Life in the Spirit is as if it were the wind of God.


Today I will be driven by the spirit to God’s altar.

First posted January 22, 2021