Today I will allow (and rejoice to the extent of my frailty) God to use my trials and sufferings for His benefit, not just mine, for “it’s not just about me.” I am only a part of His greater purpose, to be made useful in His hands.

1 Peter 4:12-13
Beloved friends, if life gets extremely difficult, with many tests, don’t be bewildered as though something strange were overwhelming you. Instead, continue to rejoice, for you, in a measure, have shared in the sufferings of the Anointed One so that you can share in the revelation of his glory and celebrate with even greater gladness!
The Passion Translation

Today I will take my trials and sufferings to God’s altar, with as much joy as I am capable of.

Photo interpretation: Very few have their faith tested to the point of torture, yet the abundant life is not without trials and sacrifice.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay